This is an excerpt from my new book Last Clash of the Titans, available now at and at  Discovering that the Greek myths we studied in high school are a twisted retelling of key biblical theology is at the same time exciting and disappointing. On the one hand, findingContinue Reading

IT’S IMPOSSIBLE to fight a war when most of your army thinks the enemy is imaginary. Tom Dunn and Jared Chrestman are the director and producer of the new documentary This is a War, a film about the reality of the spiritual war in which we are all deployed. ClickContinue Reading

End times prophecy is the focus of this week’s study as we conclude the Book of Joel and begin our study of Daniel. Click here for the notes and audio for this week’s Bible study.Continue Reading

I was Patrice Sheridan’s guest on Global Newsmaker Focus Friday night to discuss my new book, Last Clash of the Titans. If you missed it, you can hear the archived interview here.Continue Reading

How do Christians live a Spirit-filled life when we’re the same people, filled with the same flawed thoughts, desires, and flaws? Preston and Kelly Condra, authors of the new book Bearing Fruit or Living Barren: The Essentials of Christian Spirituality, explain why “how,” rather than “what,” is the key word.Continue Reading

You have probably deduced from the title of this book that my goal is to show the connections between Greek mythology and the Bible, and especially Bible prophecy. You are, of course, correct. We’re getting to that, but we have to lay a lot of groundwork to get from pointsContinue Reading

THERE ARE things about Jerusalem that will shock you. That’s the promise of messianic Rabbi Zev Porat, who says there are sites most tours don’t visit that will change you forever after you see them. Click here for the podcast, or click here for the video of this week’s interview.Continue Reading