Rosie O’Donnell continues to embarrass herself: The 54-year-old comedian took to Twitter Wednesday night to call for the suspension of regular presidential succession rules until such time as Trump could be “cleared” of all the “charges” against him. O’Donnell didn’t specify to which charges she was referring. There are none.Continue Reading

The media’s bias against President-Elect Trump went into hyperdrive over the last 24 hours. BuzzFeed and CNN gave credence to an unverified, unsourced report that is so over the top, it’s a wonder that any rational adult thought it might be true.Continue Reading

The Obama administration doubled down on its claim that Russia is somehow responsible for the election of Donald Trump. The report of the American intelligence community to the Senate Thursday is notable for its lack of concrete evidence. Principled liberals, who have no interest in validating a Trump presidency, are awareContinue Reading

The manuscript for The Great Inception is now in the hands of the editor. I sent if off last night along with the bibliography, so now we’ll see what notes come back.Continue Reading

If I seem a little quieter on social media lately, there are reasons.Continue Reading

Researching the Amorite period of ancient Near Eastern history for the forthcoming book, and I am more convinced now than ever that Abraham did not come from Ur in Sumer. Among other clues, just look at the map below, and bear in mind that there was a caravan route between MariContinue Reading