It’s a good thing we’re early risers. We thought our flight home was tomorrow.Continue Reading

If anyone had told me 30 years ago, when I was a Top 40 disk jockey in Philadelphia, that someday I’d be a guest on Jim Bakker’s television program, I would have assumed they were drunk.Continue Reading

Could this pompous gasbag be any more arrogant? An editor for Foreign Policy calls people who dare question their globalist betters a bunch of ignorant, frightened old people who can’t adapt to the new normal. Did I say “ignorant”? Yes, I did. It is necessary to say that people areContinue Reading

Sheila Zilinsky did me the honor of inviting me to guest on her show to discuss the slaughter in Orlando.Continue Reading

This absolute reversal on a recent study trumpeted by progressives comes as no surprise to anyone who actually pays attention to human behavior. The study in question professed to show that P [for “Psychoticism”] (positively related to tough-mindedness and authoritarianism) is associated with social conservatism and conservative military attitudes. Well,Continue Reading

Follow the new SkyWatchTV Instagram account. Christina Peck is doing a fantastic job of catching everything that happens behind the scenes.Continue Reading

An artist filmed herself having sex with a stranger, she says, to encourage debate on the patriarchal nature of sexual violence. She succeeds only in proving that she’s living in a bubble.Continue Reading

There are people who interpret the spread of “conspiracy theories” through social media as proof that we need protecting from ourselves.Continue Reading