THE OLD GODS of the Greeks and Romans, the Titans, were a violent bunch. According to the story, they were defeated by Zeus/Jupiter and the Olympian gods and banished to Tartarus. That tale echoes older accounts of the “former gods” of the Hittites and Hurrians and the Anunnaki of Mesopotamia,Continue Reading

HUMANITY IS CAUGHT in a life-and-death struggle with forces beyond our comprehension. And powerful political and religious groups appear to be siding with this inhuman enemy.Continue Reading

The Titans can be identified as the Watchers who defied their Creator in the distant past on Mount Hermon. This is consistent with evidence from the myths of later civilizations. Over time, the influence of these old gods spread west and they were adopted into the religion of the Greeks as the Titans, a name that reflects the bull-like appearance of these entities, who may be, like the divine rebel from Eden, rebellious cherubim who thought they could overthrow their Creator.Continue Reading

The story in the Book of 1 Enoch would make a compelling supernatural thriller. It has two main villains—Watcher-class angels named Shemihazah and Azazel. Shemihazah is the leader of the rebel faction—their king, if you will. But the sins of Asael form another narrative that’s worth our attention.

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A deal was reached to fund the government through December 3, so now Congress can get back to the fight over whether (and how) to spend the $3.5 trillion President Biden wants to “Build Back Better.” SkyWatchTV was banned by YouTube! Please follow SkyWatchTV on Rumble:  5) China tampingContinue Reading

Is it possible that the foul reputation of Mount Hermon and the region of Bashan grew out of an historic event—the literal fall from Eden, God’s holy mountain, by the rebel who was cast down by God?Continue Reading