Iron and Myth 35: The Bible and Mesopotamian Myth
SKEPTICS OFTEN claim that the Hebrew Bible must have been copied from older Mesopotamian texts. Frankly, this is lazy thinking by people looking for excuses not to deal with God. Continue Reading
SKEPTICS OFTEN claim that the Hebrew Bible must have been copied from older Mesopotamian texts. Frankly, this is lazy thinking by people looking for excuses not to deal with God. Continue Reading
ONE OF THE MYSTERIES of the Bible is why there are no accounts of priests or prophets casting out demons. Why is that?Continue Reading
GIANTS OF MYTH are described in surprisingly similar terms all over the world, from Mesopotamia to Mesoamerica. There is a reason for that.Continue Reading
Without realizing it, today’s transhumanists are replicating the quest of Gilgamesh for the secret of immortality.Continue Reading
In Ugaritic texts, the Rephaim were summoned through a necromancy ritual to the “threshing-floor” of the Canaanite creator-god El–the summit of Mount Hermon.Continue Reading
The story in the Book of 1 Enoch would make a compelling supernatural thriller. It has two main villains—Watcher-class angels named Shemihazah and Azazel. Shemihazah is the leader of the rebel faction—their king, if you will. But the sins of Asael form another narrative that’s worth our attention.
You have probably deduced from the title of this book that my goal is to show the connections between Greek mythology and the Bible, and especially Bible prophecy. You are, of course, correct. We’re getting to that, but we have to lay a lot of groundwork to get from pointsContinue Reading
THERE IS a chapter in the Book of Isaiah that is so clearly about the suffering servant, the Messiah, that have tended to avoid it for centuries.Continue Reading
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