THE OLD GODS of the Greeks and Romans, the Titans, were a violent bunch. According to the story, they were defeated by Zeus/Jupiter and the Olympian gods and banished to Tartarus. That tale echoes older accounts of the “former gods” of the Hittites and Hurrians and the Anunnaki of Mesopotamia,Continue Reading

PAUL WROTE that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood.” So, which principalities, powers, and cosmic rulers over this present darkness are responsible for what’s happening on Earth today?Continue Reading

THE NUMBERS 9-1-1 have a specific meaning for Americans—the numbers one dials to call for help in an emergency. They’re also significant as the chapter and verse in the Book of Revelation that identifies the fallen angel called the Destroyer.Continue Reading

ISAIAH 14 is comprised of multiple sections. The first three appear to address the king of Babylon, “Lucifer,” and “the Assyrian.” We think those sections, Isaiah 14:1–27, are directed at a single entity—and it’s not Satan.Continue Reading

In case you missed it, I was a guest on Strange O’Clock recently with Jeralynn Peach and Michael Basham to discuss my recent book The Second Coming of Saturn.Continue Reading