Unraveling Revelation: Mount Hermon, Babel, and Sodom
WHEN GOD personally intervenes in human affairs, it’s a big deal.Continue Reading
WHEN GOD personally intervenes in human affairs, it’s a big deal.Continue Reading
We look ahead to the year 2100 and see radical life extension, the changes it will have on human behavior, and the potential problems with not being able to die even when you want to (think Revelation 9:6).
CHRISTIANS ARE being blamed for the evils of the world—but it’s non-believers who will pay the price.
WE WEREN’T quite finished after all! Marilyn Abbott, who spotted our oversight of Deuteronomy 9 about six weeks ago, informed us this week that we’d also skipped over three chapters of the Gospel of John.
WE REACH the end of the New Testament this week. The Revelation of John concludes with final judgments against Satan, the Beast, Death, Hades, and all whose names are not written in the Book of Life.Continue Reading
GOD’S JUDGMENT on an unrepentant world is the focus of this week’s New Testament study. We discuss the first six trumpet judgments, which include the release of the demonic horde from the abyss.Continue Reading
TWO OF our favorite guests return to discuss a fascinating topic. Anthony Patch and Doug Woodward discuss their new DVD, CERN Decoded, that examines the true purpose of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN — serving as a high-tech key to open the Abyss.Continue Reading
THE FIRST six seals are opened in our study of Revelation this week. Bearing in mind that the meaning of these seals has been debated for 2,000 years, we offer our best understanding of the images and prophecies recorded by John.Continue Reading
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