Unraveling Revelation: Where is Mystery Babylon?
One of the greatest mysteries of end times prophecy is the location of Mystery Babylon, the city of the Antichrist’s one-world religion of the end times.Continue Reading
One of the greatest mysteries of end times prophecy is the location of Mystery Babylon, the city of the Antichrist’s one-world religion of the end times.Continue Reading
THE CHALDEANS were the people who created the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon who destroyed the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem. The spirit behind his kingdom still influences the world today.Continue Reading
What, where, and who is Mystery Babylon? Doug Woodward, author of the new book Will Babylon Be Rebuilt in the Last Days?, argues that the theory that Babylon must be rebuilt in the same location as the ancient city is not fully grounded in scripture.Continue Reading
Enlil was the chief god of Mesopotamia for more than a thousand years. His “reign” began with the rise of the Akkadian empire in the twenty-fourth century BC. But if we look farther back in history, we may find another hint at this god’s arrogance and a very clear message from God that he will not be allowed out of the abyss before the appointed time.Continue Reading
Eclipses have been interpreted as a bad omen throughout history. In recent years, so-called “blood moons” have been taken as a sign of the imminent Apocalypse.
Isaiah prophesied a terrifying scenario for the Day of the Lord, when God finally executes His judgment on an unrepentant world. Many Bible teachers interpret Isaiah 13:3–10 as referring to Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans of Babylon, who would destroy the Temple in 586 BC, more than a century after Isaiah’sContinue Reading
Dr. Doug Hamp, senior pastor of The Way Congregation in Lakewood, Colorado, joins us to continue our discussion of his new book Corrupting the Image II: Hybrids, Hades, and the Mount Hermon Connection.
NIMROD GETS a bad rap. Or maybe too much credit. Doug Woodward, author of Rebooting the Bible, Part 2, joins us for a discussion of just one chapter in his new book, and he explains why he believes Nimrod had nothing to do with Babel—but his father, Cush, did.
THE TOWER of Babel was not at Babylon. It was at a place that was at least as important in the spiritual sense: Eridu.
THE SECOND group to return from Babylon to Jerusalem was led by Ezra the priest in 458 B.C. It was a four-month journey, which the Jews undertook without an armed guard — something that was unheard of in that day.Continue Reading
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