This is an excerpt from my new book Last Clash of the Titans, available now at and at  Discovering that the Greek myths we studied in high school are a twisted retelling of key biblical theology is at the same time exciting and disappointing. On the one hand, findingContinue Reading

THE ROLE and responsibility of a watchman opens this week’s study. But there is a deeper sense of the word, a meaning rooted in the similarity of the Aramaic and Hebrew words for “Watcher” and “city.”Continue Reading

JUST AS God used the king of Tyre to describe His judgment against the rebel from Eden, the “anointed guardian cherub,” He used the pharaoh of Egypt to describe His judgment against the spirit of chaos, which was represented by the sea monster Leviathan.Continue Reading

Ezekiel’s lament over Tyre wasn’t a simple proclamation against a pagan neighbor of the Israelites, but an already-but-not-yet prophecy that will ultimately be fulfilled just before Armageddon.Continue Reading

AFTER 2,000 years, scholars and student of Bible prophecy still haven’t nailed down the identity of Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation. Bill Salus joined us at the Hear the Watchmen conference in Dallas to discuss his recent debate with Joel Richardson on this topic.Continue Reading

GOD’S REASONS for His judgment against the apostate kingdom of Judah is the focus of this week’s study.Continue Reading