A GROWING BODY of evidence links the giants of the pre-Flood world with ancient Canaan and the mysterious island of Sardinia off the west coast of Italy.Continue Reading

THE DEATH OF THE GODS is prophesied in the Bible. This is not in dispute, unless one argues that God Himself was mistaken in calling the pagan gods of the ancient world “gods.”Continue Reading

A piece of a milk bowl dropped by an Israelite 3,400 years ago adds more evidence to the story of the conquest of Canaan by Joshua and the Israelites. Dr. Douglas Petrovich, author of The World’s Oldest Alphabet and Origins of the Hebrews, explains why a small piece of potteryContinue Reading

SAMSON WAS the stereotypical alpha male. Ruled by his passions, Samson fell into the hands of Israel’s enemies, the Philistines—but God used even Samson’s failings to save His people from their enemies.Continue Reading

A PIECE of broken pottery connects the Israelites to the destruction of a city immediately after Joshua’s “long day.” Dr. Douglas Petrovich, joins us to discuss his new paper on the Lachish Milk Bowl Ostracon, a potsherd with writing he describes as a “proto-consonantal alphabetic script”–Hebrew, the world’s oldest alphabet.Continue Reading