Unraveling Revelation: The Horned One in the Abyss
WE CONTINUE our deep dive into the leader of the Genesis 6 rebellion, who we believe is “the angel of the bottomless pit” (Rev. 9:11), Apollyon/Abaddon.Continue Reading
WE CONTINUE our deep dive into the leader of the Genesis 6 rebellion, who we believe is “the angel of the bottomless pit” (Rev. 9:11), Apollyon/Abaddon.Continue Reading
Why do we Christians treat some of the most important characters in the Bible as though they’re made up?Continue Reading
What’s the difference between angels, cherubim, and seraphim? Who are the Watchers, and can a messenger angel, a malak, be promoted to the rank of Watcher?Continue Reading
OUR VIDEO TOUR of Israel continues this week with stops at several places that played key roles in history.Continue Reading
Who or what are the “powers and principalities” Paul warned us about? Are they angels or demons? Who are the “Watchers,” and are they good or bad?Continue Reading
Who were the Watchers? What’s the difference between a cherub and a nachash? Is Lucifer another name for Satan?Continue Reading
THE CONSTRUCTION of the tabernacle is the focus of this week’s study—although, as usual, we follow some rabbit trails that lead us to other parts of the Bible.
THE ARK OF THE COVENANT is the focus of this week’s study. Contrary to Raiders of the Lost Ark, no, it was not a radio to talk to God.
THE TREE in the middle of the garden proved to be a test and a trap—not just for Adam and Eve, but for the serpent as well.
SYMBOLS OF the fallen realm are a theme of this week’s program, in which we whipsaw from a few brief comments on the passing of Dr. Stephen Hawking to discussions of horned gods and prophecies of the old gods’ return.Continue Reading
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