Neocons in Washington, DC argue that war with Russia might be necessary to stop Vladimir Putin from reconstituting the Soviet Union. This assumes Putin wants to reintegrate an unfriendly state like Ukraine, and it ignores similar US policies like the Monroe Doctrine (which also declared that the US would not interfere in Europe).Continue Reading

A new survey by Rasmussen found that a majority of Democrat voters support fines or house arrest for the unvaccinated. Nearly half want internment camps for the unvaxxed, and 29% favor taking children away from unvaccinated parents.Continue Reading

Mainstream media are reporting that the omicron variant appears to have peaked in the US, following its track in the UK and South Africa.Continue Reading

Information from Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals close business and personal relationships with men who may be connected to the anti-Russian protests in Kazakhstan.Continue Reading

A phrase used by Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccine, has gone viral thanks to his interview last week with Joe Rogan. It accurately describes the state of fear induced by government authorities who have been caught or admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control.”Continue Reading

We kick off a new year with hopes that this will not be a rerun of 2020 or ’21, despite the best efforts of government officials to keep the fear turned up to 11.Continue Reading

New study from Hong Kong found omicron variant of SARS-2 multiplies 70x faster than delta in bronchial tissue but 10 times slower than the original virus in lung tissue. This means omicron, while being more infectious, is less severe.Continue Reading

Senate Republicans agreed to raise the federal debt limit by another $2.5, but they did it in a way to make it look like they opposed the increase. It’s all theater.Continue Reading

3-D printed “suicide pods” may be available for people in Switzerland was early as next year as the belief spreads that death is an acceptable treatment for suffering.Continue Reading