Unraveling Revelation: Hell on Earth
WHO’S IN charge of the end-times rebellion against God?Continue Reading
WHO’S IN charge of the end-times rebellion against God?Continue Reading
SAMSON WAS the stereotypical alpha male. Ruled by his passions, Samson fell into the hands of Israel’s enemies, the Philistines—but God used even Samson’s failings to save His people from their enemies.Continue Reading
Samuel Delgado, host of The Weird Christian Podcast, had me on recently to discuss my new book The Second Coming of Saturn.Continue Reading
Who was the Roman god Saturn, and why have some been longing for his return for two thousand years?Continue Reading
Our study of the Day of the Lord continues in Isaiah 2 with a look at an entity known to the Hebrew prophets, Pachad—a name that’s translated into English as “terror.”
GOD ORDERED the Israelites to take revenge on the people of Midian. This is hard to understand, since Moses was married to a Midianite woman—until you consider the context of the spiritual war being waged around the Israelites.
The prophet Amos warned the leaders of Israel not to desire the prophesied Day of the Lord because “it is darkness, and not light”—especially since Israel had begun to worship Sikkuth (the Mesopotamian god Ninurta) and “Kiyyun your star-god”, both represented in the sky by Saturn.
THE NUMBER of bulls sacrificed during the annual Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is unparalleled in any other feast given to Moses by God.
We skip ahead to Revelation 16 to compare the sixth bowl judgment with the sounding of the sixth trumpet in Revelation 9. Is there a connection between the demonic army of 200 million, the angels bound in the Euphrates, and the kings from the east?Continue Reading
OUR STUDY of the Old Testament now moves to the time of the creation of the monarchy in Israel. We discuss the birth of Samuel, the loss of the Ark of the Covenant, and the resulting humiliation of Dagon and punishment on the Philistines. Click here for the notes and the audio.Continue Reading
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