Mingled with the Seed of Men
KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death.Continue Reading
KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death.Continue Reading
THE BEAST that rises from the earth has horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The False Prophet, as he’s named in Revelation 16 and 19, will pull an epic con on the world—convincing humanity that the Antichrist has been resurrected from the dead.Continue Reading
THE ANTICHRIST is described as a chimeric dragon that emerges from the sea. This week, we look at a second beast that rises out of the earth and causes the world to worship the first beast.Continue Reading
ANY STUDY of end times prophecy that doesn’t account for the world’s 1.7 billion Muslims is missing a huge piece of the puzzle.Continue Reading
Prophecy scholars have debated the identity of the ten kings of Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 for nearly 2,000 years.Continue Reading
The war between Russia and Ukraine is not the prophesied war led by Gog of Magog—but Satan and his minions could use it as a deception to introduce the Antichrist to a world looking for a savior.Continue Reading
WE REVISIT the Book of Daniel as we discuss the ten horns of the Beast from the sea, John’s description of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 and 17. The four beasts of Daniel’s vision (Dan. 7:1–8) match exactly the bizarre creature described by John. It’s generally agreed that the beastsContinue Reading
Who or what are the “powers and principalities” Paul warned us about? Are they angels or demons? Who are the “Watchers,” and are they good or bad?Continue Reading
We continue our discussion of the symbols used by the prophet Daniel to represent the ages of human history and our prophesied future.Continue Reading
CHRISTIANS HAVE speculated on the ethnicity of the Antichrist for 2,000 years and we still have not reached a definite conclusion.Continue Reading
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