NIKOLA TESLA is just one degree of separation removed from President Donald J. Trump. Stan Deyo joins us with details behind a 1982 interview he recorded for a documentary with Trump’s uncle, Dr. John G. Trump.Continue Reading

Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia tries but slides further into the mud: Kaine — who was the running mate of Trump’s former campaign rival, Hillary Clinton — suggested the two acts were related. “You put a religious test on Muslims and you try to scrub reference to Jews in the HolocaustContinue Reading

Donald Trump has done more in his first week than I expected in his first year: U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign several executive orders on Wednesday restricting immigration from Syria and six other Middle Eastern or African countries, according to several congressional aides and immigration experts briefedContinue Reading

Referring to the foreign policy establishment in Washington, which is very nearly in open rebellion against President-elect Trump. On Sunday, outgoing CIA director John Brennan took Trump to task, questioning whether Trump knows what he’s doing. Journalist Jon Rappoport calls BS on the CIA’s “expertise”.Continue Reading

Rosie O’Donnell continues to embarrass herself: The 54-year-old comedian took to Twitter Wednesday night to call for the suspension of regular presidential succession rules until such time as Trump could be “cleared” of all the “charges” against him. O’Donnell didn’t specify to which charges she was referring. There are none.Continue Reading

The media’s bias against President-Elect Trump went into hyperdrive over the last 24 hours. BuzzFeed and CNN gave credence to an unverified, unsourced report that is so over the top, it’s a wonder that any rational adult thought it might be true.Continue Reading

The Obama administration doubled down on its claim that Russia is somehow responsible for the election of Donald Trump. The report of the American intelligence community to the Senate Thursday is notable for its lack of concrete evidence. Principled liberals, who have no interest in validating a Trump presidency, are awareContinue Reading