The War of Nine Kings
A WAR fought near the Dead Sea nearly 4,000 years ago is the focus of this week’s study.
A WAR fought near the Dead Sea nearly 4,000 years ago is the focus of this week’s study.
GOD BEGINS a new phase of His plan to redeem humanity in this week’s study, as Abram is called from his homeland to journey south into Canaan.
THE REAL game of thrones takes place in the spirit realm. Chad Schafer, author of The World in the Bondage of Egypt—Under the Arch of Titus, explains how a 2,000-year-old Roman monument represents the ongoing fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
THIS WEEK, we dig into one of the most historically dense sections of scripture. It’s especially fascinating because the history recorded here was written in advance.Continue Reading
Nephilim in the Book of Ezekiel? Very possibly, yes.Continue Reading
JUST AS God used the king of Tyre to describe His judgment against the rebel from Eden, the “anointed guardian cherub,” He used the pharaoh of Egypt to describe His judgment against the spirit of chaos, which was represented by the sea monster Leviathan.Continue Reading
Ezekiel’s lament over Tyre wasn’t a simple proclamation against a pagan neighbor of the Israelites, but an already-but-not-yet prophecy that will ultimately be fulfilled just before Armageddon.Continue Reading
THE HARSHEST criticism of Israel we’ve encountered so far is the focus of this week’s study. God calls the people of Judah a prostitute — except that prostitutes get paid.Continue Reading
THE SOJOURN in Egypt was such a defining moment in the history of Israel and Judah that you would think the last thing Judeans would want is to go back there. You would be wrong.Continue Reading
SPEAKING TRUTH can be dangerous. The last days of Judah’s independence before the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar are chronicled in this week’s study of the book of Jeremiah.Continue Reading
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