A left-wing agitator in Israel reportedly told colleagues on Zoom and WhatsApp that the White House is backing his riots after opposition leader Benny Gantz failed to bring down the government as promised.

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President Biden told reporters that he did not proclaim Easter Sunday Transgender Day of Visibility, even though the proclamation is posted at the White House website. Either Biden didn’t know or he didn’t remember what he did the day before.

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Commentator Keith Olbermann responded to Monday’s 9–0 Supreme Court ruling striking down a move by Colorado to keep Donald Trump off the ballot by posting that the justices, including two women of color, are “inept at reading comprehension.”

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Russia is prepared to agree to a request by Transnistria, a breakaway region of eastern Moldova bordering on Ukraine, to send troops for “protection” against “increased pressure” from the Moldovan government.

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A bombshell report claims that the government is hiding information that shows how the CIA in the Obama administration cooked information to justify spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.

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