Israel was surprised Saturday morning by an attack from Gaza. Hamas has launched more than 2,000 missiles into Israel along with a ground invasion into the Negev. PM Netanyahu declared, “Israel is at war.”

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Three years after we suggested the Wuhan Institute of Virology might be the source of SARS-CoV-2, and five years after the State Department warned about its biosecurity, the Biden administration has finally suspended US funding for the Chinese lab.

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Republicans and Democrats are both claiming victory after reaching a deal over the weekend raise the federal debt ceiling by about $4 trillion. Both parties are leaning on holdouts to pass the bill Wednesday before the US Treasury runs out of money.

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The RESTRICT Act (S. 686) is a proposed bill in Congress described as a TikTok ban, but it goes way beyond that. The bill would grant the White House, through the Commerce Department, the power to censor any social media platform.

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The $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill signed by President Biden prohibits using Border Patrol funding to improve border security, but gives $410 million to Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman—for border security.Continue Reading

The important 12-mile-long bridge connecting Russia to the Crimean peninsula was damaged by a large explosion Friday. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin blames Ukraine; the question is what comes next.Continue Reading

The Department of Justice filed suit Tuesday against Idaho, seeking to overturn what it calls the state’s “near-total ban” on abortion. Attorney General Merrick Garland claims, however, the lawsuit has “nothing to do with going around” the Supreme Court.Continue Reading

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and several other Democratic representatives arrived in Taiwan Tuesday night, contrary to the wishes of the Chinese government and the Biden administration. Meanwhile, China’s military launched live-fire exercises in the waters around Taiwan.Continue Reading