Based on leaked documents obtained by Project Veritas, it appears the FBI’s alliance with the Democratic Party has reached a new low.Continue Reading

China quietly cut off shipments of sand to Taiwan last Wednesday, depriving the country that produces 2/3 of the world’s computer chips of a critical raw material, potentially affecting everything from computers and cars to missile guidance systems.Continue Reading

The Department of Justice filed suit Tuesday against Idaho, seeking to overturn what it calls the state’s “near-total ban” on abortion. Attorney General Merrick Garland claims, however, the lawsuit has “nothing to do with going around” the Supreme Court.Continue Reading

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and several other Democratic representatives arrived in Taiwan Tuesday night, contrary to the wishes of the Chinese government and the Biden administration. Meanwhile, China’s military launched live-fire exercises in the waters around Taiwan.Continue Reading

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announced trip to Taiwan has become a game of nuclear chicken. China has threatened military action if Pelosi goes through with her visit, but the Biden administration may feel it can’t risk being seen as weak.Continue Reading

Archaeology continues to confirm the history recorded in the Bible. We may be on the verge of another major discovery connected to a critical time in Israel’s history. We talked with Dr. Scott Stripling, provost of The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas, last September at the International Symposium on ArchaeologyContinue Reading

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt plan to join BRICS, the economic alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The timing is awkward for President Biden as he prepares to meet with the Saudis, but Turkey’s membership is potentially more significant.Continue Reading

It didn’t take long for keyboard warriors to assign blame for the horrific shooting in Highland Park, Illinois on July 4th to people with opposing political views. This fails to recognize the true cause—spiritual evil, which will not be defeated at the ballot box.Continue Reading