A spyware app called Pegasus has been marketed to governments around the world and used to turn mobile phones into surveillance devices targeting journalists and dissidents. Watch for calls to form a global cybersecurity agency—something the World Economic Forum is already promoting with some powerful backers.Continue Reading

President Biden said earlier this week that rising prices due to inflation are necessary and temporary. With the government’s massive surge in debt spending, “temporary” must mean something other than the common usage.Continue Reading

A former police officer in El Salvador has been charged with killing four people, but the graves near his home may yield as many as 40 bodies. And there are questions about nine others who have been charged in connection with the slayings.

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Legislators from Tennessee want an explanation for what appears to be a secret program to use Chattanooga as a hub for resettling unaccompanied illegal migrant children—a plan that one source says began in Dallas, but was moved to avoid attention.

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The world’s largest asset manager, a supporter of the Great Reset, is buying up single family homes, contributing to a growing bubble in real estate prices. The median home sale price hit a record $350,000 in May, up 24% from 2020.

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