Sharon and I are proud to announce that we’ll be leading a tour of Israel with Dr. Michael S. Heiser next spring. We’ll be in the Holy Land from Sunday, May 6 through Wednesday, May 16, 2018 — which means we’ll be in Jerusalem on May 14th, 2018, the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence.Continue Reading

Know your enemy! Those gods worshipped by pagans in the Bible? If God calls them gods, maybe you should consider the possibility that they’re real.Continue Reading

HE HADN’T intended to be a prophet, but that’s the work to which the Lord called him. Amos, a contemporary of Isaiah, was a shepherd from south of Jerusalem in the kingdom of Judah. However, he devoted most of the nine chapters of his book to warning the northern kingdom of Israel about its imminent doom — a judgment decreed by God.Continue Reading

A NEW cave has been officially designated at Qumran, site of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, for the first time in more than 60 years. This is an extended interview recorded at SkyWatchTV with two of the men involved in the dig, archaeologist Dr. Aaron Judkins and forensic architect Bruce Hall.Continue Reading