WE REVISIT the Book of Daniel as we discuss the ten horns of the Beast from the sea, John’s description of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 and 17. The four beasts of Daniel’s vision (Dan. 7:1–8) match exactly the bizarre creature described by John. It’s generally agreed that the beastsContinue Reading

IT DIDN’T take long for Israel to forget God. Within thirty years of arriving in Canaan, God was compelled to tell the Israelites that because of their disobedience, He would not drive out the people before them.Continue Reading

The rebellion that’s been leading to Armageddon for thousands of years began with entities created before mankind, the cherubim, seraphim, malakim, Watchers, and other supernatural creatures we may not even be aware of. The Titans, the Watchers of the Bible, return when the angel with the key opens the pit. For those without the seal of God on their foreheads, it will literally be hell on earth.Continue Reading

The long war by the Fallen against their Creator is for control of God’s har môʿēd, His mount of assembly, Zion. That’s His prize jewel, and that’s why Saturn wants it. Armageddon is the battle for control of the har môʿēd—Zion, God’s mount of assembly. The final conflict of the age will be fought at Jerusalem.Continue Reading