Jerusalem and the Third Temple
We recorded several episodes of The Jim Bakker Show with Tom Horn last week. The first of those episodes airs today.Continue Reading
We recorded several episodes of The Jim Bakker Show with Tom Horn last week. The first of those episodes airs today.Continue Reading
THE HEARTBREAK of Jeremiah at the prophesied destruction of Jerusalem is evident in this week’s reading: My anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain! Oh the walls of my heart!Continue Reading
GOD ALLOWED Assyria and Babylon to oppress His people because they had turned away from Him. In our study this week, we discuss Isaiah’s prophecy of a day when the world will come to Israel to bring tribute to the Lord.Continue Reading
GOD CAN deliver us in the face of overwhelming odds. We discuss two examples from the book of Isaiah this week–the miraculous healing of Hezekiah, marked by the backwards movement of the sundial’s shadow, and the deliverance of Jerusalem from the unstoppable might of the Assyrian army.Continue Reading
HEZEKIAH WAS a better king than any since David, and better than all those who followed. He repaired and restored the Temple, reinstituted the worship of Yahweh, and tore down the high places devoted to Baal and Astarte (not just in Judah, but in Israel, too).Continue Reading
ISAIAH PROPHESIED the fall of Babylon before it had risen. At the time of the prophesies we read this week, Assyria was still the dominant power in the ancient Near East, but the phrase, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon,” was revealed to the prophet anyway.Continue Reading
WE REACH the end of the New Testament this week. The Revelation of John concludes with final judgments against Satan, the Beast, Death, Hades, and all whose names are not written in the Book of Life.Continue Reading
PROPHETIC SIGNS are everywhere you look. Pastor Paul Begley studies prophecy, and he joins us to discuss the days in which we’re living and what lies ahead.Continue Reading
PAUL RETURNS to Jerusalem in this week’s study, in spite of warnings from believers from Asia to Judea that he would be arrested and possibly killed. But Paul already knew that.Continue Reading
Our interviews from the RMIPC continue with a pair of discussions on archaeologyContinue Reading
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