JESUS’ MINISTRY of healing and casting out demons is a key part of our New Testament study today. But more important, and the reason for the miracles, is the clear message that Jesus did, in fact, claim to be divine.Continue Reading

Thankfully for all of us, Jesus resisted the snares of physical gratification (bread), public acclaim, and earthly power. We also discuss Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.Continue Reading

TODAY WE begin our study of the New Testament, which we will follow in chronological order just as we’re doing with the Old Testament. Our readings today begin the story of Jesus, the Christ. Click here for the notes and the audio.Continue Reading

We discuss the “kinsman-redeemer” and God’s willingness to accept Gentiles who seek Him on today’s Bible study, the themes of the Book of Ruth. Click here for the notes and the audio.Continue Reading