Those Who Swear by Molech
We continue our review of scriptures that appear to prophesy a coming destruction of the territory around Gaza.Continue Reading
We continue our review of scriptures that appear to prophesy a coming destruction of the territory around Gaza.Continue Reading
Even though he’s been imprisoned in the abyss since the Flood of Noah, Milcom/Molech has continued to exercise his considerable supernatural power on the earth. Through the foreign wives Solomon collected during his reign, the dark god influenced Solomon to build a high place for him that overlooked the Temple Mount.Continue Reading
There are seven specific activities described as “abomination to the Lord.” All seven were intended to “gain information from or influence over a divine being or beings.” The connection of the Molech cult to these activities and underworld entities identifies Molech as the entity we met earlier—Kumarbi, the god summoned from the abi, which, as we’ve seen, is the Hurrian original behind the Hebrew words for “ritual pit” (ʾôb) and the spirits of the underworld (ʾōbôt).Continue Reading
IT’S EASY to criticize the Hebrews of Moses’ day for their lack of faith. After all, hadn’t they seen the plagues that compelled Egypt to let them go, the parting of the Red Sea, and the manna that miraculously appeared six days a week?
ENTANGLEMENTS WITH cares of the world, whether it’s business, politics, or personal relationships, can distract us from what we’re called to do by God. This week, we see the fall of Solomon, whose wives draw him into the worship of pagan gods.Continue Reading
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