Iron and Myth 37: Care and Feeding of the Dead
IN THE ANCIENT Near East, the dead never really went away. And if you didn’t care for them properly, they could make your life hell.Continue Reading
IN THE ANCIENT Near East, the dead never really went away. And if you didn’t care for them properly, they could make your life hell.Continue Reading
NEWS HEADLINES are shadows of events in the spirit realm. It’s why Paul wrote, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood.”Continue Reading
PAUL WROTE that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood.” So, which principalities, powers, and cosmic rulers over this present darkness are responsible for what’s happening on Earth today?Continue Reading
Derek was a guest on Tipping Point to talk with prophecy teacher Jimmy Evans about The Second Coming of Saturn.Continue Reading
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT is in a legal standoff with the state of Texas over control of the border with Mexico.Continue Reading
PAUL WROTE that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood.” So, which principalities, powers, and cosmic rulers over this present darkness are responsible for what’s happening on Earth today?Continue Reading
We continue our review of scriptures that appear to prophesy a coming destruction of the territory around Gaza.Continue Reading
FEMA staff sent to the Maui disaster zone following the deadliest wildfire in the US in more than a hundred years are reportedly spending taxpayer dollars to stay in five-star resorts that normally go for $1,000 a night.
OUR DETOUR through Nahum, Isaiah, and Ezekiel finally takes us back to Isaiah 14, the chapter with the famous verse, “How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lucifer, son of the morning.”Continue Reading
OSIRIS ISN’T mentioned in the Bible—at least, not directly. However, a loanword in Isaiah 14:19 suggests that the prophet Isaiah had the Egyptian god of the underworld in mind.Continue Reading
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