Jesus vs. the old gods
The fight for Israel was personal to Jesus. And the Bible shows you where and how he kicked the old gods off his land.Continue Reading
The fight for Israel was personal to Jesus. And the Bible shows you where and how he kicked the old gods off his land.Continue Reading
Did you know God conquered Mount Hermon and took prisoners? Also: Find out why Gog of Magog won’t be human.Continue Reading
The Mesopotamians knew about the Watchers — they called them “apkallu,” which roughly means “big water man.”Continue Reading
SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the sin of the Watchers are the focus of this week’s New Testament study. Peter and Jude were in accord with the letters we read this week, and there is a lot of meat in these four short chapters.Continue Reading
Morningside Church gave me the opportunity last weekend to deliver an extended version of my presentation for the Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference.Continue Reading
The sin of the Watchers has had more influence on Christian theology than we thoughtContinue Reading
This week’s study features a reference to holy mountains in the Holy Land.Continue Reading
Jesus takes command of the enemy’s holy mountain, demonstrating his authority through the Transfiguration on Mount Hermon.
PARALLEL ACCOUNTS of Peter’s declaration of faith at Caesarea Philippi are featured this week.Continue Reading
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