Israel was surprised Saturday morning by an attack from Gaza. Hamas has launched more than 2,000 missiles into Israel along with a ground invasion into the Negev. PM Netanyahu declared, “Israel is at war.”

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A GROWING BODY of evidence links the giants of the pre-Flood world with ancient Canaan and the mysterious island of Sardinia off the west coast of Italy.Continue Reading

THE REBEL in Isaiah 14 is described as having been “brought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit.” This is the same fate suffered by Assur, the “Assyrian Enlil,” in Ezekiel 32—and it’s another reason we connect this entity to the angel of the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:11.Continue Reading

WHEN IS an idol not an idol? When it’s the demonic minion of a fallen angel. We move from Nahum’s condemnation of Nineveh, and by extension Assyria, to the judgment decreed against Assyria by God through the prophet Isaiah. This week, we look at a fascinating passage in Isaiah 10,Continue Reading

JESUS BASED his ministry in a part of Israel that was known as a hotbed of supernatural activity for thousands of years—a place that features not one, but three megalithic sites described as “wheels of the giants.”

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SCIENTISTS AT Cambridge and Cal Tech announced this week that they’ve created synthetic human embryos without the use of eggs or sperm. They say this could help research into genetic disorders; we wonder if there’s another agenda.Continue Reading

DAVID’S PLOY to take the wife of Uriah the Hittite is another story that shows that the Bible has not been cleaned up to make the humans used by God look more, well, saintly.Continue Reading