Jim Paris invited me on to his national radio program, Jim Paris Live, last night to discuss my most recent book, Last Clash of the Titans. You can listen to the program by clicking here. We discussed the origins of Greek mythology in pagan Canaanite religion, the veneration of GreekContinue Reading

WE WEREN’T quite finished after all! Marilyn Abbott, who spotted our oversight of Deuteronomy 9 about six weeks ago, informed us this week that we’d also skipped over three chapters of the Gospel of John.

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WE REACH the end of the Old Testament today, the Book of Malachi, and with that we have completed our first journey through the entire Bible.Continue Reading

APOCALYPTIC PROPHECIES of the coming Day of the Lord are the focus of the last three chapters of Zechariah. Today we discuss the prophet’s vision of the final battle of the age and compare it to Armageddon and the war of Gog and Magog.

We also talk about the aftermath, the millennial reign (although Zechariah doesn’t call it that), and the final world order, when God rules and reigns over the entire world from Jerusalem.Continue Reading

GOD PROMISED that the tears and fasting of the Jews who’d returned to Jerusalem would be turned to joyous feasting. Then we turn to prophecies of God’s judgment against the unrepentant nations on the Day of Yahweh.Continue Reading