Mark it down: Armageddon will be fought at Jerusalem. The long war is for control of God’s holy mountain, and that’s Mount Zion — the Temple Mount. And Jesus named the enemy.Continue Reading

WE REACH the end of the New Testament this week. The Revelation of John concludes with final judgments against Satan, the Beast, Death, Hades, and all whose names are not written in the Book of Life.Continue Reading

The Bible is only boring because you’ve been taught some of the most important characters are imaginary! This time, we reveal the identity of Lucifer and the exact location of where he plans to set up his throne. This is #10 in a series of short videos highlighting key pointsContinue Reading

GOD’S JUDGMENT on Israel and Judah was not going to be pleasant, but it was not to last forever. This week, we read prophecies of Isaiah and Micah on the coming destruction of the northern kingdom by Assyria and the southern kingdom by Babylon.Continue Reading

GOD’S JUDGMENT on an unrepentant world is the focus of this week’s New Testament study. We discuss the first six trumpet judgments, which include the release of the demonic horde from the abyss.Continue Reading

PROPHESYING DURING a time just before a calamity has to be one of the worst jobs ever. Isaiah was called to be a prophet during a visit to the throne room of God, but his orders were to make sure the people of Judah didn’t listen to God.Continue Reading

THE FIRST six seals are opened in our study of Revelation this week. Bearing in mind that the meaning of these seals has been debated for 2,000 years, we offer our best understanding of the images and prophecies recorded by John.Continue Reading