Hollywood veteran David Heavener joins us to discuss the launch of his latest project, The Last Evangelist–a television series he describes as CSI meeting the Book of Revelation.

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Sharon and I were blessed to be a part of a discussion on current events and the end times with Jim and Lori Bakker and our friend David Heavener, author of the new books True Power and End Times Investigations. Watch it here:Continue Reading

WE REVISIT the Book of Daniel as we discuss the ten horns of the Beast from the sea, John’s description of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 and 17. The four beasts of Daniel’s vision (Dan. 7:1–8) match exactly the bizarre creature described by John. It’s generally agreed that the beastsContinue Reading

IT SEEMS like the world has gone mad. Russia has invaded Ukraine, a nation that the United States and its allies pledged to protect. Is this the beginning of the end of days?

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