KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw a vision that disturbed him so much that he ordered his sorcerers, enchanters, and magicians to tell him what he’d dreamed and its interpretation—on pain of death.Continue Reading

GOD SINGLED OUT the Amorites for their wickedness, telling Abraham (then still Abram) that “the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” What did God mean by that? This week, we revisit the people who dominated the world of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Amorites dominated the ancient Near East—theContinue Reading

As our friend, the late Dr. Michael Heiser used to say, “If it’s in the Bible and it’s weird, it’s probably important.”Continue Reading

A GROWING BODY of evidence links the giants of the pre-Flood world with ancient Canaan and the mysterious island of Sardinia off the west coast of Italy.Continue Reading