SAUL’S VISIT to the medium of En-dor is one of the more controversial chapters in the Bible. Does it prove that ghosts are real?Continue Reading

GOD FOUND IT NECESSARY to destroy Sodom and its neighbors. 400 years later, He sent a plague against the Israelites for worshipping Baal-Peor, whose temple may have been inside the city of Sodom.Continue Reading

THE SONS OF GOD saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took as their wives any they chose. We’re joined again by Brian Godawa, Doug Van Dorn, and Dr. Judd Burton for our latest edition of Iron and Myth to discuss the fall of the Watchers.Continue Reading

ON THE surface, the song of Deborah and Barak in Judges 5 is a celebration of a miraculous military victory over a superior enemy. It is that, but it’s much more.Continue Reading