Information from Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals close business and personal relationships with men who may be connected to the anti-Russian protests in Kazakhstan.Continue Reading

Our post-Christian culture will not become an atheist utopia. The media has begun to notice that technology is helping Neo-pagans worship the old gods in a new way.Continue Reading

We kick off a new year with hopes that this will not be a rerun of 2020 or ’21, despite the best efforts of government officials to keep the fear turned up to 11.Continue Reading

New study from Hong Kong found omicron variant of SARS-2 multiplies 70x faster than delta in bronchial tissue but 10 times slower than the original virus in lung tissue. This means omicron, while being more infectious, is less severe.Continue Reading

Senate Republicans agreed to raise the federal debt limit by another $2.5, but they did it in a way to make it look like they opposed the increase. It’s all theater.Continue Reading

Media has reported that President Biden is presiding over the fastest growing economy in decades. This is what happens when you allow people to go back to work after crashing the economy into a wall.Continue Reading

UK PM Boris Johnson is catching heat for announcing his Plan B response to the omicron variant, which came as news broke of three alleged parties at 10 Downing Street last Christmas in violation of COVID restrictions.Continue Reading

Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin met for two hours by video conference Tuesday to reduce tensions over Ukraine. It’s not clear that progress was made, nor is it clear why the Western media is spoiling for a fight with Russia.Continue Reading