The Supreme Court this week took up a case that presents the most important challenge to Roe v. Wade in at least thirty years. This case could return decisions on the legality of abortion to the states.Continue Reading

A new tarot deck featuring Disney’s most famous villains is just the latest example of how pop culture is used to indoctrinate our children, weaponizing the occult against the next generation.Continue Reading

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Monday that citizens there will need a booster shot to be considered “fully vaccinated.” But since, as Johnson admitted, the vaccines’ effectiveness wanes over a period of months, what happens six months from now?Continue Reading

The Daily Caller interviewed demonologists and a Roman Catholic exorcist to discuss the influence of demons at the tragic Astroworld concert Nov. 5 that left nine dead and hundreds injured. It’s unusual for a mainstream news outlet to look at the spiritual forces behind events like this, but it’s about time.Continue Reading

Thousands of migrants fleeing the Middle East are stuck at the border between Belarus and Poland. Many believe this is revenge by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for EU sanctions following a controversial election in 2020.Continue Reading

A deal was reached to fund the government through December 3, so now Congress can get back to the fight over whether (and how) to spend the $3.5 trillion President Biden wants to “Build Back Better.” SkyWatchTV was banned by YouTube! Please follow SkyWatchTV on Rumble:  5) China tampingContinue Reading

Democrats are among those demanding answers for the debacle that unfolded in Afghanistan this week in what marks the defining moment of Joe Biden’s presidency and the decline of American influence worldwide. Is this what “Build Back Better” really means?Continue Reading

US government officials are speaking out to the media, blaming the Biden administration for the preventable disaster unfolding in Afghanistan.Continue Reading

Dr. Anthony Fauci did a round of interviews this week with Tik-Tok “influencers,” trying to persuade the unvaccinated to overcome their hesitancy. It’s not likely to work; a new study shows it’s the most educated Americans who are least likely to get jabbed.Continue Reading