The Second Coming of Saturn with The Gosslings
In case you missed it, I was the guest of authors Nick Goss and Jonathan Goss on their podcast The Gosslings last week.Continue Reading
In case you missed it, I was the guest of authors Nick Goss and Jonathan Goss on their podcast The Gosslings last week.Continue Reading
WHO’S IN charge of the end-times rebellion against God?Continue Reading
I was honored to be the guest of Mondo Gonzales on Prophecy Watchers recently to talk about my new book The Second Coming of Saturn.Continue Reading
Who or what are the “powers and principalities” Paul warned us about? Are they angels or demons? Who are the “Watchers,” and are they good or bad?Continue Reading
Who were the Watchers? What’s the difference between a cherub and a nachash? Is Lucifer another name for Satan?Continue Reading
As research into the history and imagery connected to Saturn in his many forms revealed more information that’s relevant to where we’re going, it became obvious that documenting the work of a few deceived occultists in the present day wasn’t as important as it appeared at first. That said, there are those who knowingly venerate this entity, even if they don’t understand who he is and his ultimate goal.Continue Reading
January 6 is the date celebrated each year by Western Christians as Epiphany, and Theophany by Christians in the Eastern churches. It marks the revelation of God incarnate in the form of Jesus. And what happened on Epiphany in 2021? “America’s temple” was invaded by the Q-Anon Shaman in his crazy buffalo hat. Remember the long association of bull imagery with this entity. It would be a startling coincidence, if we believed in coincidences.Continue Reading
The Apotheosis of Washington depicts the man called the “father of our nation” as Saturn, who led America into a Golden Age that is destined to return. And the Capitol makes a clear statement: America is politically, militarily, and spiritually Rome.Continue Reading
Virgil’s poem refers to the return to an age that ended before Jupiter dethroned Saturn—or, in biblical terms, when God sent the Flood. The new Golden Age would be ushered in by a messianic figure, a child who would become divine and rule over a world at peace. To those familiar with Genesis 6, the influence of the Watchers/Titans and the Nephilim/“heroes” on Greek and Roman religion, and the role of Saturn/Shemihazah in leading the Watchers’ rebellion, Virgil’s poem is startling.Continue Reading
It’s widely believed that the date for celebrating Christmas was chosen by the early church to “Christianize” Saturnalia. That was not the case, but it’s indicative of the hubris of the king-god: Under his influence, many Christians have been convinced that Saturn, not Jesus, is the reason we celebrate Christmas. And because that wasn’t enough, most of the Western world now calls God’s divinely ordained day of rest “Saturn’s Day.”Continue Reading
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