There are seven specific activities described as “abomination to the Lord.” All seven were intended to “gain information from or influence over a divine being or beings.” The connection of the Molech cult to these activities and underworld entities identifies Molech as the entity we met earlier—Kumarbi, the god summoned from the abi, which, as we’ve seen, is the Hurrian original behind the Hebrew words for “ritual pit” (ʾôb) and the spirits of the underworld (ʾōbôt).Continue Reading

THE DIVISION of the kingdom of Israel is the focus of our Old Testament study this week. Rehoboam, son of Solomon, gets bad advice from his young friends, not just rejecting the request of the northern tribes for tax relief, but doing so with a rather crude euphemism.Continue Reading

ENTANGLEMENTS WITH cares of the world, whether it’s business, politics, or personal relationships, can distract us from what we’re called to do by God. This week, we see the fall of Solomon, whose wives draw him into the worship of pagan gods.Continue Reading

PROVERBS OF Solomon copied at the direction of King Hezekiah are the focus of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading

PRAISE THE Lord! That’s the theme of the Psalms in today’s Old Testament study. We examine a half dozen psalms of praise and find divine council language, making it clear that the psalmists knew that other (small-G) gods existed.Continue Reading

WE RETURN to history in our Old Testament study this week. Our readings describe the process and design of the Temple built by Solomon.Continue Reading

SOLOMON’S WISDOM is legendary, and to the extent it is recorded in the Bible, it is also divinely inspired. This week, we begin our study of the Book of Proverbs.Continue Reading

KING SOLOMON and his ascension to the throne in Jerusalem is the focus of our Old Testament study this week.Continue Reading