President Biden told reporters that he did not proclaim Easter Sunday Transgender Day of Visibility, even though the proclamation is posted at the White House website. Either Biden didn’t know or he didn’t remember what he did the day before.

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A spokesperson for Russia’s Foreign Ministry doubled down on comments earlier in the week by President Vladimir Putin, blaming Ukraine and its Western allies—specifically the US and UK—for last Friday’s deadly terror attack in Moscow.

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The US launched airstrikes in Iraq and Syria over the weekend against target linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Iran-backed militias. At least 40 people were reportedly killed in a move that is likely to escalate hostilities in the region.

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THE U.S. MILITARY reportedly bombed 85 sites overnight linked to Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria.

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At least nine nations have paused funding for the UN agency for refugees in Gaza after a report that at least a dozen UN employees took part in the attack on Israel October 7.Continue Reading

Three American soldiers were killed and 34 others injured in a suicide drone attack early Sunday at a military outpost in northeastern Jordan, raising the possibility of more direct involvement by the US in the proxy war between Iran and Israel.

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ONE OF THE ISSUES discussed by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week is preparing for “Disease X.”

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