THE OLD GODS of the Greeks and Romans, the Titans, were a violent bunch. According to the story, they were defeated by Zeus/Jupiter and the Olympian gods and banished to Tartarus. That tale echoes older accounts of the “former gods” of the Hittites and Hurrians and the Anunnaki of Mesopotamia,Continue Reading

The identity of Abaddon and Apollyon in Revelation 9:11, the angel of the bottomless pit, is Saturn—the Watcher chief Shemihazah. The opening of the bottomless pit marks his literal return to earth. Saturn’s Golden Age may last only five months—the time he and his colleagues are allowed to torment humanity. It’s possible Saturn/Shemihazah knows this and doesn’t care.Continue Reading

The rebellion that’s been leading to Armageddon for thousands of years began with entities created before mankind, the cherubim, seraphim, malakim, Watchers, and other supernatural creatures we may not even be aware of. The Titans, the Watchers of the Bible, return when the angel with the key opens the pit. For those without the seal of God on their foreheads, it will literally be hell on earth.Continue Reading

January 6 is the date celebrated each year by Western Christians as Epiphany, and Theophany by Christians in the Eastern churches. It marks the revelation of God incarnate in the form of Jesus. And what happened on Epiphany in 2021? “America’s temple” was invaded by the Q-Anon Shaman in his crazy buffalo hat. Remember the long association of bull imagery with this entity. It would be a startling coincidence, if we believed in coincidences.Continue Reading

The Titans can be identified as the Watchers who defied their Creator in the distant past on Mount Hermon. This is consistent with evidence from the myths of later civilizations. Over time, the influence of these old gods spread west and they were adopted into the religion of the Greeks as the Titans, a name that reflects the bull-like appearance of these entities, who may be, like the divine rebel from Eden, rebellious cherubim who thought they could overthrow their Creator.Continue Reading

Isaiah prophesied a terrifying scenario for the Day of the Lord, when God finally executes His judgment on an unrepentant world. Many Bible teachers interpret Isaiah 13:3–10 as referring to Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans of Babylon, who would destroy the Temple in 586 BC, more than a century after Isaiah’sContinue Reading

GOD ORDERED the Israelites to take revenge on the people of Midian. This is hard to understand, since Moses was married to a Midianite woman—until you consider the context of the spiritual war being waged around the Israelites.

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