Our scientistic society is setting up millions to believe in a alternate end-times scenario—one where “extraterrestrials” help humanity to evolve.Continue Reading

Believers in the existence of extraterrestrial life were thrilled by a photo from NASA’s Curiosity rover that appears to show a doorway in the side of a cliff.Continue Reading

Thousands of migrants fleeing the Middle East are stuck at the border between Belarus and Poland. Many believe this is revenge by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for EU sanctions following a controversial election in 2020.Continue Reading

Eight people were killed and hundreds injured at rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival in Houston last Friday. His stage looked like a portal to the netherworld at the base of a mountain, an image that evokes Mount Hermon and the Grotto of Pan.Continue Reading

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul told a Christian congregation last week that those who aren’t vaccinated “aren’t listening to God.”Continue Reading

Pfizer this week announced trials on a new drug to prevent COVID. The drug is described as a “protease inhibitor antiviral therapy”—just like the cheap, widely available drug Ivermectin.Continue Reading

An FDA employee, caught on video by Project Veritas, has floated a novel solution to vaccine hesitancy: Drones to shoot vaccine darts into the unvaccinated.Continue Reading

Corporate media described a radio signal detected in Russia “mysterious”, “freaky”, “alien”, and “a possible ET signal from deep space.” SETI researchers are not nearly as excited.Continue Reading