The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, the home of former President Trump, ostensibly looking for documents improperly removed from the White House. Given the FBI’s behavior in the Russian collusion hoax, we have low confidence that the warrant, the search, or the motives behind it are legit.Continue Reading

Nancy Pelosi’s stunt visit to Taiwan last week caused Xi Jianping and Chinese leadership to lose face, an unforgivable act in their culture. China’s response may be slow in coming, but it will be calculated, precise, and tough.Continue Reading

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announced trip to Taiwan has become a game of nuclear chicken. China has threatened military action if Pelosi goes through with her visit, but the Biden administration may feel it can’t risk being seen as weak.Continue Reading

The FBI’s efforts to interfere in the last two presidential elections on behalf of Democrats brings to mind the Praetorian Guard in the Roman Empire. Once the Guard realized it had the power to make and break emperors, who learned to play ball—or else.Continue Reading

Right out of dystopian TV series Black Mirror and War of the Worlds, China has demonstrated a robot dog fitted with an automatic weapon—and adorned with insignia of Russian special forces.Continue Reading

A pair of Russian lawmakers investigating biolabs in Ukraine claim that Ukrainian POWs show evidence of military experiments. The deputy chair of the State Duma says the goal is to create “cruel killing machines.”Continue Reading

Thousands of farmers in the Netherlands are protesting a government plan to reduce nitrogen pollution by cutting the amount of livestock in the country by about a third. This will have a huge impact on the food supply of Western Europe and the world.Continue Reading

It didn’t take long for keyboard warriors to assign blame for the horrific shooting in Highland Park, Illinois on July 4th to people with opposing political views. This fails to recognize the true cause—spiritual evil, which will not be defeated at the ballot box.Continue Reading