The Bible’s Greatest Mysteries: Lucifer, Satan, and Saturn
Who were the Watchers? What’s the difference between a cherub and a nachash? Is Lucifer another name for Satan?Continue Reading
Who were the Watchers? What’s the difference between a cherub and a nachash? Is Lucifer another name for Satan?Continue Reading
The identity of Abaddon and Apollyon in Revelation 9:11, the angel of the bottomless pit, is Saturn—the Watcher chief Shemihazah. The opening of the bottomless pit marks his literal return to earth. Saturn’s Golden Age may last only five months—the time he and his colleagues are allowed to torment humanity. It’s possible Saturn/Shemihazah knows this and doesn’t care.Continue Reading
The rebellion that’s been leading to Armageddon for thousands of years began with entities created before mankind, the cherubim, seraphim, malakim, Watchers, and other supernatural creatures we may not even be aware of. The Titans, the Watchers of the Bible, return when the angel with the key opens the pit. For those without the seal of God on their foreheads, it will literally be hell on earth.Continue Reading
A 2,000 year old poem has become the basis for the globalist agenda called the Great Reset.Continue Reading
The recent mainstreaming of the UFO/UAP phenomenon is leading to the prophesied great deception.Continue Reading
People the world over are scared of snakes. Generally speaking, that’s a true statement. So, why did so many ancient cultures incorporate serpent imagery into huge megalithic structures?Continue Reading
The early Christian church was nearly unanimous in the belief that the gods of the Greeks and Romans were not imaginary. They, like the Jewish scholars a few hundred years earlier, understood that the Olympians, Titans, Gigantes, heroes, and daimones of the pagans were supernatural beings called “angels,” “Watchers,” “sons of God,” “Nephilim,” “Rephaim,” and “demons.” In fact, the second-century theologian Irenaeus of Lyon, a student of Polycarp (who was a disciple of the apostle John), connected the Titans to end-times prophecy.Continue Reading
The rebellious “sons of God” in Genesis 6 knew they were committing a terrible sin. Why did they do it? L. A. Marzulli discusses the oath sworn by the 200 Watchers on Mount Hermon.Continue Reading
Isaiah 14, contrary to the long-held consensus, doesn’t refer to Lucifer/Satan at all, but was directed instead at another supernatural rebel: Assur, who was Enlil/Shemihazah by another name.Continue Reading
In Ugaritic texts, the Rephaim were summoned through a necromancy ritual to the “threshing-floor” of the Canaanite creator-god El. After two days of riding, the Rephaim arrived at the threshing-floor “after sunrise on the third.” The purpose of the ritual was nothing less than the resurrection of the Rephaim.Continue Reading
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