The Flood
THE STORY of a global flood is common to many cultures all over the world. Today, we read the real story behind the flood of Noah.
THE STORY of a global flood is common to many cultures all over the world. Today, we read the real story behind the flood of Noah.
Crossing the species barrier between angel and human is just as taboo as the barrier between human and animal.
This is an excerpt from my new book Last Clash of the Titans, available now at and at Discovering that the Greek myths we studied in high school are a twisted retelling of key biblical theology is at the same time exciting and disappointing. On the one hand, findingContinue Reading
You have probably deduced from the title of this book that my goal is to show the connections between Greek mythology and the Bible, and especially Bible prophecy. You are, of course, correct. We’re getting to that, but we have to lay a lot of groundwork to get from pointsContinue Reading
The prophet Isaiah revealed a whole lot more about the supernatural war than we’ve been taught. Satan is just one player in a vast rebellion against God.Continue Reading
EZEKIEL’S FAMOUS vision of the valley of dry bones has a deeper secondary meaning — a message for a supernatural audience that had conned Israel’s pagan neighbors into believing their ancestors were divine and could return to the land of the living.Continue Reading
THE ROLE and responsibility of a watchman opens this week’s study. But there is a deeper sense of the word, a meaning rooted in the similarity of the Aramaic and Hebrew words for “Watcher” and “city.”Continue Reading
THE GIANTS of old not only existed, but they played a much bigger role in history than we thought. Dr. Judd Burton joins us to discuss his new book, The Nephilim Dossier, and the connections between the “men of renown,” pagan mythology, and Christian doctrine.Continue Reading
THE ATTEMPTED assassination of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England has amped up the mainstream media’s rhetoric against what Ronald Reagan called the Evil Empire.Continue Reading
ONE OF the most important aspects of the long spiritual war is blood. The Watchers tried to corrupt human bloodlines by physically mixing it with their own. Today, humanity seems driven to transform what it means to be human through science.Continue Reading
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