The Deep State and its allies in corporate media clearly want to keep us divided and angry, focused on other “tribes” rather than the globalist agenda to build one world government.

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Additives made from insects are hitting store shelves in Europe following an EU ruling that defatted house crickets and lesser mealworms are safe. It’s all to save the world from flatulating cattle.

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Scientists moved the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight Tuesday, the closest ever to signaling imminent destruction. The announcement was made with a group called The Elders, who appear to echo warnings from the World Economic Forum.

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The World Economic Forum meeting this week brings together people who believe that they, and they alone, have the right to fundamentally restructure human civilization. They don’t realize that they’re dupes in a bigger game.

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THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM meets this week in Davos, Switzerland, a gathering of world leaders who will tell the rest of us how we’re supposed to live.Continue Reading

An interfaith group of religious environmental activists broke mock stone tablets on a mountain in Egypt believed by some to be Mount Sinai, symbolizing the need for “climate repentance.”Continue Reading