THE TRUE test of prophets is whether they have “stood in the council of YHWH to see and hear His word.” This week, we discuss the calling of Ezekiel and God’s first commands to the prophet.Continue Reading

NIKOLAS CRUZ, the accused shooter at Stoneman Douglas High School, reportedly told police that demons gave him instructions during the attack. Ray Gano, author of the forthcoming book The Demonic Wars, joins us to talk about demons, spiritual warfare, and why the church in America is so unprepared for stories like this.Continue Reading

A CHURCH founded by Sun Myung Moon are inviting couples to a blessing ceremony this coming Wednesday for their “rods of iron” — defined as an AR-15 or equivalent.Continue Reading

EZEKIEL DID not see a spacecraft. Those who think he did are mistaken. We conclude our study of the Book of Lamentations and begin our study of Ezekiel with the account of Ezekiel’s Wheel.Continue Reading

SEVENTEEN PEOPLE were shot dead at a high school in Parkland, Florida this week. We discuss how we should respond to abuse directed at Christians in the wake of horrific events like this.Continue Reading

THERE ARE times when God brings correction into our lives, although not always as drastically as He did to the kingdom of Judah in 586 B.C.Continue Reading

THE SITUATION became a lot more tense in the shadow of Mount Hermon over the weekend. An Israeli F-16 was shot down by anti-aircraft fire Saturday after striking Iranian targets deep inside Syria.Continue Reading

Jeremiah 51

JEREMIAH’S PROPHECY of doom against Babylon concludes this week as he declares the kingdom’s destruction at the hands of the Medes.Continue Reading

On Friday, I produced a brief video outlining the Nunes memo for SkyWatchTV. Many people reported that the audio was garbled. I’ve watched the video on half a dozen different devices and it’s played fine every time.

That’s not the weirdest part.Continue Reading