The descendants of Shem
AFTER THE construction of Tower of Babel, the descendants of Noah spread across the earth. This week, we discuss the descendants of Shem, since it’s from his line that the Lord brought forth His Messiah.
AFTER THE construction of Tower of Babel, the descendants of Noah spread across the earth. This week, we discuss the descendants of Shem, since it’s from his line that the Lord brought forth His Messiah.
A SERPENT-SHAPED ridge about three-quarters of a mile long sits less than a quarter-mile north of Gilgal Refaim, the megalithic maze on the Golan Heights. This mound is three times longer and four times higher than the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, but it’s gone unnoticed by the world—until now.
Filmmaker and paranormal researcher Kyle J. Macias joins us to discuss his new documentary, The Hat Man: Documented Cases of Pure Evil, based on the stories people tell about their encounters with the Hat Man.
A HIGHLY FUNDED unofficial government agency, working off the books to investigate the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. That sounds like The X-Files, Project Blue Book, or Men in Black—but it’s real.
SOMETIMES, TO REACH the lost, you have to get radical. Drew Graffia teaches solid, biblical theology with a unique video style that appeals to people who think the Bible is boring.
THE BIBLE did not drop from the sky fully formed and edited, much less translated into Elizabethan English. This may seem obvious, but many Christians are uncomfortable thinking about the process that produced the scriptures we take as the Word of God.
Sharon and I got home about 2:00 this afternoon, totally exhausted. I lasted about half an hour before I was asleep on the couch.Continue Reading
THE CHURCH laments the fact that young people are leaving the faith in droves. Maybe we’re not teaching them theology when they’re young enough for it to take root.
THE TOWER of Babel was not at Babylon. It was at a place that was at least as important in the spiritual sense: Eridu.
WE MAY not be putting the blame for the recent mass shootings in El Paso, Dayton, and elsewhere entirely where it belongs. Dr. Gregory Reid of YouthFire Ministries, an expert in occult crimes and crimes against children, discusses the principalities and powers behind the shooters.
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