THE NATIONS of the world have their origins in decisions made in the years immediately following the Flood. This week, we discuss the table of nations and briefly summarize the migrations of the descendants of Shem, Japheth, and Ham.

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THE SONS of Noah divided the world between them. It appears that the youngest, Ham, made a power play to usurp the birthright of his older brothers — by having incestuous relations with his mother.

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80,000 PEOPLE will meet next week in the Nevada desert to fundamentally change the world around you. Carl Teichrib, author of Game of Gods, will be at Burning Man again this year, and he explains why you should pay close attention to what’s happening at events like this.

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THE STORY of a global flood is common to many cultures all over the world. Today, we read the real story behind the flood of Noah.

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AT SOME point in our distant past, angels descended to the summit of Mount Hermon and made a pact to corrupt the earth through interbreeding and sharing knowledge that humanity was not meant to know.

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