THE MEMO released by the House Intelligence Committee Friday summarizes the evidence behind the biggest scandal in Washington, D.C. since Watergate — but you wouldn’t know it from reports in the mainstream media.Continue Reading

PROPHECIES AGAINST Ammon, Edom, and Babylon are the focus of this week’s study. Again, by looking closely, we see references to rebellious supernatural entities.Continue Reading

A POLITICAL whirlwind tore through D.C. this past week. President Trump delivered his first State of the Union address and GOP members of the House Intelligence Committee released their long-awaited memo.Continue Reading

I’ve received at least a dozen notes from people about garbled audio on yesterday’s video about the House Intelligence Committee memo, but I can’t replicate the problem.Continue Reading

A quick analysis of the Nunes memo, which was released today at the direction of President Trump.Continue Reading

WE FINALLY got around to watching two of the recent movies in the Superman franchise. It reminded us how obvious it is that pop culture is doing a far better job of selling theology than the church.Continue Reading

THE SOJOURN in Egypt was such a defining moment in the history of Israel and Judah that you would think the last thing Judeans would want is to go back there. You would be wrong.Continue Reading