Greater love has no one than this
WE WEREN’T quite finished after all! Marilyn Abbott, who spotted our oversight of Deuteronomy 9 about six weeks ago, informed us this week that we’d also skipped over three chapters of the Gospel of John.
WE WEREN’T quite finished after all! Marilyn Abbott, who spotted our oversight of Deuteronomy 9 about six weeks ago, informed us this week that we’d also skipped over three chapters of the Gospel of John.
IS EVERY person created by God with intrinsic value, or are some people flowers while others are weeds? Robert Blaise, producer of the documentary Human Weeds, discusses the repackaging and rebranding of the eugenics movement.
WE REACH the end of the Old Testament today, the Book of Malachi, and with that we have completed our first journey through the entire Bible.Continue Reading
Ali Siadatan producer of the groundbreaking documentary UFOs, Angels, and Gods, discuss the links between UFOs and Bible prophecy. Then Timothy Mahoney tells us about his forthcoming documentary Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy, which opens in theaters this week.
NEHEMIAH DISCOVERED what God already knew — His people were a stubborn lot.
IT MAY be a map to the greatest archaeological find in history. Jim Barfield, director of the Copper Scroll Project, and his colleague Chris Knightjoin us to discuss the controversial Copper Scroll, who wrote it, and what they were trying to preserve.
PERSEVERANCE IN the face of opposition is one of the lessons from our reading today. The Samaritans, Ammonites, and Arabs in Nehemiah’s day tried to discourage the Jews through threats, political pressure, and even a conspiracy to assassinate Nehemiah.
Shawn and Brian Chrisagis shouldn’t be here. They were born three months premature, spent two years in incubators, and survived life-threatening allergies to the sun, grass, clothes and all types of food. And yet, here they are in full-time music ministry.
NEARLY ONE hundred years after Cyrus issued his decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem, the walls of the Holy City still had not been rebuilt.
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