GOD PROMISED that the tears and fasting of the Jews who’d returned to Jerusalem would be turned to joyous feasting. Then we turn to prophecies of God’s judgment against the unrepentant nations on the Day of Yahweh.Continue Reading

Rabbi Eric Walker had me on his program Revealing the Truth for an hour today for a wide-ranging discussion of politics, religion, and the possible role of technology in end times prophecy.

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A FLYING SCROLL, a woman named Wickedness, other women with wings like storks, and four chariots pulled by red, black white, and dappled horses continue the fascinating vision of the prophet Zechariah.Continue Reading

What people believe really does guide what they do, especially in the Islamic world. Dr. Timothy Furnish, an expert on Muslim eschatology, explains the differences between Sunnis and Shias and why their views on the end times make Sunni Muslims the bigger threat. Then Dr. Judd Burton explains why Christians can celebrate Christmas without guilt.Continue Reading

Be convinced in your own mind. If you keep Christmas, or if you do not, do it for the Lord. Merry Christmas, and may God richly bless you and your family.Continue Reading

NOT SURPRISINGLY, the exiles who returned to Jerusalem in 538 B.C. got discouraged pretty quickly and left off rebuilding the Temple. Thankfully, God sent a couple of prophets to encourage them to get back to work.Continue Reading