THERE IS a chapter in the Book of Isaiah that is so clearly about the suffering servant, the Messiah, that have tended to avoid it for centuries.Continue Reading

While the early Sumerians were figuring out how to grow crops without rain, interesting things—historic things—were happening far to the northwest. The second peak in our chronological list of spiritually strategic holy mountains is Mount Hermon.Continue Reading

ISAIAH’S PROPHECY of Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, about 150 years before he conquered Babylon is one of the remarkable sections of the Bible that proves its authenticity.Continue Reading

THE SCENE shifts from Isaiah’s prophecies of imminent invasion by Assyria to looking ahead to the Medo-Persian conquest of Babylon. At the heart of it all is God’s plan to restore the fortunes of His people, Israel.Continue Reading

GOD CAN deliver us in the face of overwhelming odds. We discuss two examples from the book of Isaiah this week–the miraculous healing of Hezekiah, marked by the backwards movement of the sundial’s shadow, and the deliverance of Jerusalem from the unstoppable might of the Assyrian army.Continue Reading

The prophetic implications of the asteroid Apophis was the topic of my segment on The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett last night.Continue Reading

This week, we read Hosea’s prophecy against the northern kingdom of Israel, a final warning that was fulfilled when Assyria destroyed Samaria in 722 B.C.Continue Reading

A TOTAL ECLIPSE of the sun is just one of the highlights of the Sign in the Heavenlies Conference August 18-20 in Boise. Organizers Mike Kerr and Jeannie Moore join us to discuss what they hope people will take away from the event.Continue Reading