I shared a number of audio podcasts from our Spreaker account to YouTube last night. However, I forgot that my YouTube account is set to automatically cross-post new videos to Twitter and Facebook.Continue Reading

Sharon and I have hinted at this, but we have permission to let this out: We have been invited to join Steve Quayle and Timothy Alberino on a tour of Rome and Sardinia in May to explore sites of historic, archaeological, and theological interest. Here’s Timothy with the details: WeContinue Reading

This clip from our recent appearance on The Jim Bakker Show is a hint at what’s coming in the book I’m working on.Continue Reading

CONDEMNATION AND promise are the themes of Jeremiah’s prophecy against Judah in this week’s Bible study.Continue Reading

One of the Mesopotamian deities I researched when working on The Great Inception was the mysterious god Amurru. His name is the same as the Akkadian word for the Amorites, which basically means “westerner.”Continue Reading