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The Day the Earth Stands Still, the new book I am honored to co-author with Josh Peck, is just a few weeks from official release. But you can pre-order now!Continue Reading
The Day the Earth Stands Still, the new book I am honored to co-author with Josh Peck, is just a few weeks from official release. But you can pre-order now!Continue Reading
MILLENNIA AFTER their incursion into our plane of existence, mankind is still paying a price for the sin of the Watchers. Dr. Judd Burton joins us to discuss the link between the gods who claimed Mount Hermon as their home and the state of our world today.Continue Reading
YOU’D THINK that prophets of Yahweh during the reign of good king Josiah would have been a little more upbeat. Not so much.Continue Reading
A terror attack in New York this afternoon by a guy who witnesses say shouted, “Allahu akhbar!” — and MSNBC’s “breaking news” is Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign (with no mention of the Podestas, of course). Wait, wait — here comes Rachel Maddow… And… theContinue Reading
HOW DOES a man go from training to be a rabbi to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Tel Aviv? Messianic rabbi Zev Porat of Messiah of Israel Ministries explains the challenges and joys of witnessing to Jews in Israel.Continue Reading
Find out how the Titans of Greek mythology are linked to Mystery Babylon, the Gog of Magog war, and the Last Supper! Watch my presentation “Last Clash of the Titans: Mystery Babylon and the Return of the Old Gods” Monday night at 7:00 PM Central Time (UTC -5) live atContinue Reading
At least, he was Friday night at the Welk Resort Theater in Branson. His one-man show is two hours of life, love, fatherhood, and Trek. Sharon and I loved it. Absolutely marvelous.Continue Reading
WHAT’S A partial preterist like this week’s guest doing in a place like this? Brian Godawa joins us to discuss the second installment of his heavily researched and footnoted series Chronicles of the Apocalypse, Remnant: Rescue of the Elect.Continue Reading
JOSIAH IS remembered as one of the best kings of the House of David. But even though his reforms brought Judah back to the Lord, the sins of his grandfather, Manasseh, had been so great that God only delayed His punishment on the kingdom of Judah until after Josiah’s death.Continue Reading
ISAIAH’S PROPHECY of a new heaven and new Earth is the focus of this week’s Old Testament study.Continue Reading
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